Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Latest Dr. Visit!

I went to the Dr. today. They did a sonogram to see how big our little girl is. She is big for 37 weeks, but not "abnormally big". That makes me feel better.
Also, I am not dilated any more than last week. Still 3 cm. He did a stress test on the baby, because her movements have decreases a little, but that turned out looking good too! We may repeat it again on Friday.
So, I'm thinking, that she's going to stay in for a little while longer. I don't feel like anything is going on & I haven't had anymore contractions since I stopped the medicine. I think we've got a few more weeks. We were so worried that we wouldn't get past 36 weeks, and now we may go all the way to 40 weeks. :) We are so ready to meet her, & we hope she comes soon. I'll keep you posted!