Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The First Hair Cut!?!?!?!?!

Davis has the cutest curly hair, & we just love it. Until now, it's been very manageable and adorable. Lately, I've been getting pressure from some of the men in our family to cut it! For a while I thought there was really no need, since it just keeps getting curlier and curls up to his little head. Lately, it's been getting a little wild though! He sometimes looks like a mad scientist. David called him Albert Einstein the other day. It's killing me to think that we may have to actually cut it (trim it) soon. As for now I'm going to hold off and see how much longer we can make it! He's 16 months old and hasn't had a hair cut yet. It seems we're a little behind schedule, since his best friend Kooper has already had 2 and he's only 6 months old!!!


Jenny Seymore said...

Oh how I miss Luke's curls! If you recall from the old pictures we kept his hair long & curly until he was about 2. We went in for trims ONLY! Then I decided it was time for a big-boy cut and his cute little curls never came back!! Davis is precious!

Unknown said...

It's in style for boys to have longer hair these days! I say hold off a little longer, it's just too darn cute! And yes, when we cut Molly's hair she lost her little curls as well.

micahking said...

Only 2 hair cuts Auntie Natalie! Don't do it till you have to! It is just too cute!

Michelle said...

I say hold off as long as you can! Brody just got his first haircut at 17 months! We only cut it because the back was looking very mullet like. Doyce barely cut any off. Davis is too precious!

Rusty said...

I say let it grow. Afro's are coming back into style.