Saturday, July 19, 2008

Precious Moment...

Today while sitting with Davis in our rocking chair, I was thinking how precious these moments are right now. Davis is 16 months old and being his mom is more wonderful than I ever could have imagined! He's so great & every month that he gets older, seems to get better & better. I loved the baby baby stage, and now I'm loving this stage. I can't even begin to imagine how the next stage will go. Which make me think about our new arrival coming in October. In case you didn't know, we are thrilled to be adding a little baby girl to our family! If I really think about it and let myself simmer on it, I can get worked up about this new baby & Davis- meaning that I am a little anxious as to how I will handle my baby boy & a new baby girl at the same time. It's a little bit unsettling sometimes when I try to imagine different scenarios with 2 little ones. Just as I was sitting in the rocking chair this morning, thinking about that same thing, my precious baby boy had drifted off to sleep. He was getting comfortable & rolling over towards me, when my unborn baby girl kicked and rolled at the same time. What a precious moment. I have one precious baby in my arms, one precious baby in my belly, and I'm feeling them at the same time. As I looked down at my little love bugs, I couldn't be more amazed at how God works in our lives. I knew that everything would be fine and this new chapter in our lives would lead to many more precious moments such as this. The plans he has for us are truly amazing and I can't wait to see what else he has in store for our family. That one precious moment on an ordinary Saturday morning, will always live in my mind, as one of the sweetest times of my life. I know I'll still remember it, when my babies are gone and starting families of their own. These time are truly precious moment & I know there's more to come...


micahking said...

You are a great mother and you are going to handle 2 with no problem at all. You have a precious baby boy and I can't even imagine how precious my new daughter in law will be!

Heather said...

Awww! Congratualtions! Having two is definitely a challenge, but you will do just fine! My two are 21 months apart, and it sounds like yours will be 19 months apart. So, it looks like you will be experiencing exactly what I went through. There will be some trying moments, but it is so worth it. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of prayer!